Initial Investment (€): {{ round(result.investment) }}
Total amount of dividends paid (€): {{ round(result.dividends_paid) }}
Gross return from stack sale (€): {{ round(result.gross_return) }}
Profit from stock sale (€): {{ round(result.profit_sale) }}
Profit before tax (€): {{ round(result.profit_before_tax) }}
Profit after tax (€): {{ round(result.profit_after_tax) }}
Annual Return (%): {{ round(result.yearly_yield) }}
Current Yield (%): {{ round(result.current_yield) }}
If you purchase {{ amount }} shares at {{ price }}€ per share, each paying a {{ dividend_per_year }}% annual dividend, and you sell your shares after {{ years }} years for {{ sales_price }}€ per share, then your return on investment would be {{ result.profit_after_tax }}€ after commissions and tax.